As the owner of Genesis Tutorial Service, I am pleased to share my educational and professional experiences. I am a graduate of Saint Augustine’s University, having majored in Elementary Education. I went on to teach at a couple of schools in North Carolina during the early parts of my career. I then traveled abroad and taught in two countries, the United Arab Emirates and China. During this time, I was introduced to the IB curriculum and the IMYC curriculum. I have taught grades 6 through 8 in the areas of math, science, English language and literature/language Acquisition, and humanities. I have served as an advisor, mentor and coach as well.

How Did Genesis Come to Life?

I am someone that has always had a passion for helping others. Growing up in Philadelphia, PA, when I was thirteen years old, I experienced a very long teacher strike that could have impacted my educational growth. My mother was a teacher during this time and decided instead of sitting at home, she would open a home school for the neighborhood children. I showed proficiency in math early on and my mother told me I would go on to teach it in the future. From there, my passion continued to grow. In 1997, I met a young lady that was struggling in school. I was serving as a proctor and assistant at that time. It bothered me to see the teacher just writing the student off, saying she was unable to learn. I offered her assistance and from there, Genesis was born. As a father of three, I would be unhappy if my children came to me and said my teacher does not help me or I have difficulty understanding and need help. These are the emotions children feel and why some struggle in school. Genesis was started because of the need for extra resources for children to be successful learners.

What you should expect from Genesis are caring, compassion, and dedicated tutors and mentors. Genesis is dedicated to giving your children all of the advantages of learning. Through support, encouragement, and empowering Genesis will “Help Young Minds to grow!”